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Monday, November 15, 2010

Peace and Quiet...

That moment in time between when you realized the kids aren't playing anymore and have FINALLY nodded off to sleep and the first one gets up to start the endless stream of trips to the bathroom or your bedroom.....
Or that 15 minutes when everyone in the office is so engrossed in their own email and facebook status that you actually feel like you can accomplish something significant.....
or that 10 minutes in the sanctuary before the kids are dismissed from Sunday School and the Worship team kicks into their prelude to rouse the slumbering troops in a call to worship...

Usually when we think of peace it is directly related to quiet, to stillness (whether in our house or in the accompanying surroundings - like the homes of Steelers fans after another Tom Brady whooping) to the absence of turmoil and noise.....

Yet, I wonder.. in the midst of another day dealing with interpersonal relationships, staff conflicts and issues, programmatic guidelines and standards, adult children, young children, grandchildren, and the greatest wife in the world is this really the peace that Jesus promised.... that at the end of the day there would be enough absence of noise and turmoil I would be able to enjoy an Eagles victory over the Redskins?? Or, is it really something more... something deeper and more profound.....

Most likely, you are there ahead of me in your understanding of that peace... That you and Jesus have already hashed out that place where peace reigns in your heart, in your spirit - regardless of the circumstances or the trials. For me... today, I am trying to wrestle with Jesus - trying to get the blessing of understanding how peace could permeate my environment when there is so much injustice, so many poor choices and so many -isms that need to be addressed and seeminly not enough time, energy, or intellect to accomplish it... Where is the peace in human suffering? It cannot be in ignoring it, so how do I experience peace with tears streaming down my face knowing the person eating dinner with me will crawl into an abandoned building tonight with his wife and hope that the blankets and body heat will keep them until morning...

Where is the peace I need to sleep without seeing their faces in my dreams....