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Friday, January 29, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

for what we are about to receive....

Some disjointed thoughts... maybe I'll express it more cogently later.... maybe not!

It usually starts when we are young...
Who got the bigger slice of pizza?
Who got more cake, ice cream, toys?
How come he has more presents?

Why didn't I get what they got? Aren't I just as good as/better than/more deserving than/better behaved/a harder worker/more loyal employee/more ardent worshipper/more diligent Bible Study participant/more generous tither (Pick one!)?

Where am I looking: at the giver or the gift?
Do I appreciate BOTH enough to share?
Am I excited enough about what I have received that I want to be excited for you too?

Jesus - help me to see me as you see me, to see others as you see them, to labor as you labored, to be compassionate as you are compassionate, and to rejoice at the things that cause your heart the most joy....

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