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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Doggedly Pursue God

I received this response to Sunday's Service...

"Hey. I was thinking about how as a church we can persue God. I think that the 90 day Bible challenge did that really successfully 2009 and I give the leadership team credit for that. KUDOS! It would be cool if we could come up with something in 2010 that would unite us and drive us as a body closer to God in a similar way. We could alway do it again, but I hope we could come up with something different that would also be growing and unifying for our body. Thanks for the good word!!"

Based upon my own questions, my asking the question about "How I can help you to doggedly pursue God," and additional questions about how we follow up on this and this response, I want to invite all of you to pray and consider how we as brothers and sisters in Christ can doggedly pursue Christ together. Do you have thoughts, ideas, suggestions? Will you commit to pray with me about this? Please email me, call me, reply to FB, whatever you feel comfortable doing with your thoughts.

Initially, I will be setting up a blog and FB page for our use along with a daily reading list (much shorter readings than the 90 day Bible challenge) so we can share around common themes, pray around common issues, submit prayer requests, etc. I hope to have this up Tuesday Night.

I will also be sending this via FB, email and the crossroads group, so you might see multiple copies of this appeal. Do not ignore them - take them as another reminder to pray - to pray for Pastor Vince, to pray for the Leadership Team, to pray for all those who call CMC home - and to ask, Lord, How is it you want us to doggedly pursue you today.

Be Blessed,

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