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Friday, January 8, 2010

How's your hearing?

Robert Gibbs has a lot of authority. Everyday reporters from around the world hang on his every thought, his every word, his glimpse into world events. Yet, when his boss speaks - everything stops. Because no matter how much influence and authority Mr Gibbs possesses, he is still only the press secretary and Barack Obama is still the President of the United States.

The world is filled with good and great expositors, preachers and teachers. Personally I subscribe to four different ones who challenge me in faith and life on a daily basis through their email communications. I also enjoy listening to Ravi Zacharias and Dr Tony Evans on the radio - they are both wonderful expositors with differing styles of communicating the truth of scripture in their signature ways.

Yet even as much as I enjoy them and grow through their teaching and ministry there is still something missing. As much authority as they have, as much as they have been given from God, through Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit - it is only when I read Scripture and hear the voice of Christ - as the Holy Spirit echoes the words Christ spoke centuries ago - that I am astonished/astounded/amazed.

Hearing HIS voice loudly and clearly is unlike any voice we will hear today, as nothing else can ring as remarkably clear with truth, power, and AUTHORITY - the authority of the Father. As we pursue God today, listen - listen to the clear voice of the Holy Spirit of God to help you discern/differentiate/experience the voice of the True Shepherd - it will sound like nothing you have ever heard before.


1 comment:

Radaph said...

a prayer for CMC sent to my email account:

Father in heaven, bless our church. Praises to you and glory for the work you've done in a bunch of broken lives - broken vessels that you've commissioned for your purposes today. Give us ears to hear as you speak life into our congregation! Amen!