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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just a quick question

to consider as we pursue God together: Does the attractional model (where we meet on Sunday and invite people to come meet Jesus) continue to be an effective way to pursue God? Does it continue to be an effective/inviting method for reaching the UnChurched?

Not trying to create controversy or stir up trouble ... just reading Matthew 9 and notice that:
  • Jesus told Matthew to come and follow
  • Jesus then took Matthew home ... to Matthew's house!
And in going to Matthew's house, Jesus created a safe environment for other "tax collectors and sinners" to come and learn from Jesus. The "churched people" (Pharisees and religious leaders) did not get the comfortability or the connection, they did not understand that Jesus was all about the one lost sheep. Yet by going into their midst, maybe Jesus allows them to enter a comfortable place where they can settle in and get to know Jesus and develop relationship rather than coming to some "religious gathering" where they hardly know anyone and or this particular groups "rituals".

Maybe, in pursuing God we need to go to where the "tax collectors and sinners" are more often, so we can join them in getting comfortable, settling back in and redeveloping that relationship with Him again.

What do you think?


Radaph said...

From Gail Colon
I believe it's a part of reaching the unchurched.
I also believe that we need to use some of the strategies that the old saints from SCSMC used. I remember the many knocks on our door inviting us to church when I was growing up. I'm still following Jesus because of the work those saints did many years ago. The Sunday School teachers, VBS workers, Pastors, and leaders were committed to reaching those that were unchurched and living in the church community. They were committed and extremely persistent. For this reason many of the people who were reached still have amazing stories to tell. My personal belief is that we will not grow as a body until we reach out to those that are right in front of us. Our ministry and name are slowing fading in the southeast section of Lancaster (scary!).
I do understand the demographics have changed but, the mission should be the same I'm forever grateful for the Shertzers, Garmens, Buckwalters, Weavers and many others that never gave up on their mission of Sharing the gospel with those that didn't know Jesus.

Radaph said...

I was just thinking about this the other day as I was driving by several extremely large churches throughout Lancaster county. Some of them would be very intimidating even to someone who has grown up in the church their entire lives. I was just contemplating the difference between some of our churches and some of the house churches that they had long ago or in other places. Just thinking about someof the differences. I didn't really go to far with it, but since you brought it up and I was just thinking about the very things yesterday. I do believe we REACH people in homes, workplaces, and streets and we teach and preach in churches. Joy Ritter