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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just a thought...

And nothing profound. As we talk about pursuing God together, what is the evidence of our faith and the work of the Holy Spirit among us. For Jesus, when confronted by John's disciples, the answer was clear: "What do you see, what do you hear?" Here is the evidence.. the blind can see, the lame can walk, the poor are fed, and the gospel is being preached.... what other evidence do you need?

What is the evidence of our faith at CMC? Send me your suggestions!

1 comment:

Radaph said...

- people formerly struggling with addictions are free and clean!
- blacks and whites are breaking bread together!
- people without much money to spare are giving generously
- lonely people are blessed with friends/spouse/brothers and sisters in Christ
- my Mom's knee was healed when Tijuana prayed for her
- children proclaiming Jesus as Savior!
