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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Pursuit of Perfection

Pursuing God means dying to self. There is really no other way to explain how men and women stop objectifying the opposite sex. How else do we seek the better for our spouses? How else do we become solid in our word, forgiving in our relationships and loving our enemies?

Each command presented by Jesus involves giving up our claims to ourselves. It is taking the little pieces that we hold onto – our lust, our compulsion to be right, our need for revenge, and our desire to rule over others and saying, “God, as I pursue you, I not only lay my life down for you – I will lay it down for every individual and in every situation you bring me into so that the world may know.” After all, is not this what Jesus did on the cross? Christ walked the Talk.

Pursuing God is pursuing His Perfection – setting aside my sin, shame, and selfishness that He might be raised up through me….

Pray that we all at CMC will continue to lay down our lives as we pursue Christ and His Perfection….

Pray also for Kareem D as he continues his job search and all those looking for jobs or faced with career decisions.

In Pursuit of Him,


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