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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When you think about the word "persecute", what images come to mind? Relentless chasing, taunting, cursing, criticism, flogging, stone-throwing, Molotov cocktails, a cross on a hill? Nothing overtly pleasant or pleasing - just an unrelentless pursuit to chase down or chase out someone different - different in looks, thought, belief, lifestyle, skin color, ethnic persuasion....

Ironically, the same Greek work translated persecute is also the same Paul uses in Phil 3 to challenge us to press on, to pursue Christ (v12: "I press on to make it my own,"; v14: I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call").

In the Beatitudes Jesus tells us that as we allow the Spirit of God, as we nuzzle up next to Him and allow Him to Draw us into His Presence and change us - as we pursue the Righteousness and Holiness of God, that we will be persecuted....

Another way to put it is: As we doggedly and determinedly pursue God in order to experience Him anew, others will also doggedly pursue us - just not for the same reasons. A mark of how determined we are in our pursuit will be how well we doggedly stand on the Rock when the hounds are nipping at our pant legs. Will we relentlessly pursue the One we are chasing or be distracted by the one chasing us?

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