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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who you know or WHO you know?

12 guys are told they should go, that they have authority from heaven to cast out demons, heal the diseased and afflicted and to do this among the people that should already know about God. They weren't going to the Gentiles but to the lost sheep of the "house of Israel."

They were supposed to give what they got, in the manner they were given it.
They were supposed to take nothing with them - just their robe and sandals (what no Ipod, laptop, handheld or cell phone) and were heading out empty-handed to face the wolves.

Oh yeah, sheep, watch your backs and don't be surprised because the attacks will come from those closest to you. At that point, whether it comes from you father, brother, mother, cousin - it won't matter. The only thing that will ultimately matter will be - "Do you know Him?" Because in knowing Jesus, in following Jesus, in doggedly pursuing Jesus, will come the persecution.

As I was reading today, I was struck by how much Jesus faced from within what should have been considered the faith community. How much effort Jesus put into making sure that the house of Israel knew that the Kingdom had come and how much it grieved Jesus to see so many people who should have known and had vibrant relationships with God wandering aimlessly because of wolves where shepherds should have been among the flock.

We have the authority from Christ, we have the power from the Holy Spirit, and we have the lost sheep inside and outside our church. Will we commit to walking through the persecution in order that Christ might be revealed amongst us?

As we doggedly pursue God together, I pray that we would enter into the harvest without any baggage, agenda or clothes but to gently and patiently and boldly proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. That it would be without any expectation, just an incredible desire to see God move in our midst as we invite people to doggedly pursue God with us. Come what may.....

As always... your comments and suggestions are welcomed....

Pursuing Him

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