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Friday, February 5, 2010

House Painting from Joe White and Men at the Cross

My brothers and I were always so excited when it came time to paint our Texas home every five years. (NOT!) But, Dad said, "Do it boys" ... so, we sluggishly dipped our brushes, told our friends we'd play baseball later, and we'd make our house shine like new. Mowing the grass, weeding the flower bed, painting the house and watering the trees ... the yard was our job with Dad. Our house looked good on the outside. But inside, it was everybody's job to make the home a happy place to live and a place that honored God in every way. Did the inside view always look as good as the outside view? Not always. Definitely not always. But, rest assured God isn't nearly as concerned about the length of the grass in the front yard or the shade of the paint on the front door as He is the length of our arguments or the shades of gray in our heart.

Cleaning up the inside of the home is a daily job. It happens as we get on our knees at night and truly forgive those who've let us down. It happens as we say, "I'm sorry" and determine to follow Christ more diligently tomorrow.

Painting the house and mowing the lawn are great ways to polish our houses, but painting the walls of our heart and cutting the bitterness out of our minds is a greater way to polish our lives.


What can I do today to help beautify the outside of my home?

What can I do today to help beautify the inside of my home?


A family working together can have a beautiful home whether you drive by on the street or stop by for dinner.

1 comment:

Oaps said...

This one is speaking to me today. I want SO much to believe it!