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Monday, February 8, 2010

Joy of living and the fear of failure....

"The solution of the problem of life is life itself. Life is not attained by reason and analysis but first of all by living."
Thomas Merton

I have heard these passages used to highlight the necessity of preparation and being ready - as well as using the gifts that God has given us so we do not lose them. Both views preach and I could come up with some alliterate, three-point sermons that might get us through a Sunday morning.... But what do they say about pursuing God... about doggedly chasing after Him... and Him alone?

As I reflect this morning, I am not trying to conjure up something new, that speaks against the historical context of the scripture - I am just sensing something - maybe deeper, maybe more shallow, but different than what has been there for me before.

In the first parable, one group got ready - the other did not
In the second parable, two invested and doubled their return - one did not - and lost what he thought he would keep.

In each, One group experienced the joy of living - not constrained by rules or religion, they were released by relationship. The joy of living and being undeterred in pursuit of relationship allows perspective beyond the fear and opens a portal into a realm of freedom some miss out on when fear becomes the driving/determining force behind the decision-making process.

Could it be the exercise of faith, faith in the giver of gifts, in the bridegroom Himself - that even delayed He will come - that determines whether decisions are made with joyful expectancy or fear and dread? Could it be trust in what we have been given because of who has given it, that we do not hoard it - we explore it for all its worth because in the exploration and in the waiting we see more of Him, His character, His goodness, kindness, and love (dare I say His Glory) and after all... isn't that where life is truly lived?

Father... I want to know.. to see your Glory.. revealed in and through my life. I have a lamp, I have oil, and I am willing to use all you have given me for the opportunity of a lifetime....

Gloria Dei!

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