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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Phil 4:4

- penetrating...
- springing up from the depths and washing over and through all that I am or wish to be...

Rooted in all He is, all He has done, all He has made me to be, and all He will ever be for me...

Rejoicing is cheering, laughing, weeping (yes weeping), praising, singing, shouting, applauding...
- all in movement with the spirit - unleashed within -communing with The Spirit, His Spirit
- calling
- drawing
- comforting
- healing
Rejoicing - lasting longer than the game, the event, or the moment ...
- True rejoicing - lasting a lifetime - embracing all we are and all we will experience....

Today... rejoice!

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