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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I asked my friend Jack to give me a word that I could use as a jump off for a blog .... Here is what he sent me:

"inspection" - I gotta take my car to the garage later today...

Now with the new one, it's a very different experience, but with our old cars, the day I dropped the car off for inspection was a nerve racking one... How much will it cost this time? Is this the end of the road?

How does (or should) inspection play a role in our walk with Christ... Does self-examination make you squirm the way car inspection day does? How do you feel knowing that God can see "under your hood" all the time?

Great questions Jack... and anyone who ever rode in the Hoopdie knows what he's talking about! How do you answer them? How do you respond to a little IN-spection in your life?

94 words later, and I don't have to write the blog.... Anybody have a word for tomorrow?

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